Name of student: Fernanda Muñoz Fuentes
Name of school: escuela n° 20 San Luis
Date: April 19, 2010
Class: 8° básicoTask n°
collaboration activities
1.- the first activity was in my 3°class in 8° básico and the teacher asked me if i wanted to helped students with some words that they did not know. I was doing this for the rest of that english class.
2.- at the first time they did not want to ask me because they felt ashamed but step by step they started to did it and asked me other things like where I was study, why I was chose this course of the study.
3.- their reaction were fine because the teacher introduce me like another english teacher.The atmosphere was difficult because 8°básico,spoke all the time and in that class had a small annoying group which was hard to control it but not impossible.
4.-another activity had to read a listening in three different time, front of the class because the radio broke down in that moment.
5. I prepared a power point about celebration. It was ok because they liked technology.
Task 2: lesson planning
1.- I get the information through three different ways; first able from the UTP, that she gave me the planilla of lesson planning, from the mineduc,I had to down load planes and programas for 8° básico and from the English 8 book (the educational ministry gave this book to the school).
2.- the guide teacher explains me about the lesson planning that the school has and also ask me to show him my lesson planning in order to review it.
3.- it takes me 2 days, full of work just for this class.
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